Open Source Contributions

🙋 Mentor List

Ranked #5 Product on ProductHunt. Find mentors willing to help you.

Tech Stack: Node, React.js, Redux

Website On ProductHunt
mentorlist screenshot

⚓ Spotnotes!

An augmented reality app that lets you express your thoughts through digital notes and photos which appear as if they are in the real world.

Tech Stack: Swift, ARKit, Firebase

Website On App Store

🤝 Dev Editor

A real-time text editor which allows programmers to work simultaneously.

Tech Stack: ES6 JavaScript, CSS3, Firebase

Website Code
deveditor screenshot

🎧 Audilog

Converts a website into a podcast.

Tech Stack: Swift, TTS Engine

On App Store

🗳️ dVoting

A Decentralized blockchain-based voting app

Tech Stack: Ethereum, Node, Express, Web3.js

dvoting screenshot

🎉 Campus Events

Keep up with on-campus parties.

Tech Stack: ReactNative


📈 AdminStrap Theme

A responsive Admin Dashboard theme

Tech Stack: HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap

Website Code
adminstrap screenshot